Friday, September 20, 2013

The sun rose again today, I'm not sure how.... or why... but it did, in the same predictable way it always does. The difference today is that it rose without my Dennis. My beautiful husband of almost 19 years. He left earth just 12 days ago, early in the morning while hunting. They (Dept. of Natural Resources) say he fell out of his hunting tree stand. Of course this is an unusual way to die, so even the national media outlets felt compelled to chat about it. Chat about it like any other tiny topic of interest then on to the next. As is everyone, on to the next.... life goes on.

Our family tree has forever been changed. You see Dennis was the trunk of our tree and when he left this earth, all the branches, ie his children and me, well we all fell. Fell heavy to the ground just like he did that cold morning of Sept 20th, 2010. Life as a branch without the trunk of its tree means only one thing.... the branches die too. Eventually the fallen branches dry up, crumble and become part of the earths landscape. This is a long process of deterioration but it happens.... over time. My goal these days is to minimize the devastating affects this has had on my three little branches (Zack, Christian and Ellie) and to help them re root and grow into amazing adults. I know I'm Debbie downer right now. Still wallowing in the misery of losing the single most important person in my life so bear with me. My faith has been tested. I still occasionally scream at God. Begging for understanding. Complaining that He made a mistake. That He over reacted and that He MUST fix what He has broken. Yes, I even told Him He was acting like a dramatic hormonal teenage girl who made a grave decision without weighing the cost... MY COST! MY CHILDREN'S COST! I told Him, that He didn't NEED to take my husband from our family. I mean really, what divine message can be hidden in the robbing 2 teenage boys and a 10 month baby girl from Ethiopia from the love of their amazing daddy? How unfair is that? Why would our kind and merciful God let an orphan girl lose 2 daddies before the age of one? Nice guy right? Why would God take away the daddy to 2 teenage boys who desperately need a fathers love and guidance? Why would God take away the heart of a wife who was striving to grow daily to honor the kingdom of God via her marriage, children and faith in action? So it is with these questions, that I now linger in a faith haze. Squinting, climbing and clawing to find the reason, the logic or just a tiny smidgen of HOPE. Complete dismay and utter grief has me now questioning the one book I have hugged so many times in the past. The Bible was the one constant, other than my steadfast husband, that I could ALWAYS rely on. But understanding why the master of the universe would snatch my darling husband from our arms and steal him to heaven, remains a mystery.

I hope that as you read my journey, that together we will figure out the who what when where and WHY God is letting this happen. I NEED to uncover what is "His plan" (if I only had a nickle for every time I've heard this). So if you dare, I invite you to travel this long road of emotional healing and prayerfully spiritual enlightenment with me. The road ahead I expect has many dark turns, but my hope is that it leads me... us.... to a place of peace, mercy and His Amazing Grace!


  1. I'm in on the journey, and here for you all the way Tracy. Much, Much love to you and yours, you are lifted daily in my prayers.

  2. Tracy,

    I've asked God some of these very same questions on your behalf over the past week and a half. There are many of us that have not moved on to the next thing. You are in our thoughts and prayers everyday, throughout the day. This road will be dark and ugly, but I'm begging God to carry you through to a place where once again you WILL see His peace, mercy, and grace.



  3. I love you my friend and I will follow this new journey WITH you. It may be hard to uncover the WHY, but I am so glad you WILL take with journey with all your family and friends beside you. May you feel your Special Angel with you and know he is still guiding you. ((hgus))

  4. Tracy, I have been praying for your family. I have tears reading your post. Please know you are in my thoughts always!

  5. Tracy, reading your post I could only think of Job. He was righteous and loved God and lost everything. I pray God gives you the answers you seek.

  6. Tracy,
    James Dobson has written a book called "When God Doesn't Make Sense". I have read some of his books and they are all excellent. Maybe that would be something you and your boys could read together.

    I am so sorry you and your children are having to go through this. I can't even begin to imagine the heartache.

    We are praying for you!


  7. I just lost my brother on Sept.22. My heart is brreaking for you as well. My brother was 33 and his death was sudden and tragic. And I am also screaming to God now WHY??? such a confusing time, and my faith is being tested. I don't pretend to know how to get through it, but I am so sorry for the loss. My Ethio son who is 4 has been hit really hard as well. Seems to be different than the other kids. He has seen a lot of death in his lifetime and had lost both his birthmom and dad to illness. I just don't know the answers or why. But may you feel the comfort of the Lord through this time.

  8. Tracy - I am hurting for you and with you. There are no words. I am praying for you and for your family! Karen Wistrom

  9. Tracy,
    My heart hurts for you and your children. I am praying for you as you go through this journey.

  10. Oh Tracy. I just feel so sick and sad. I am listening to Homesick and bawling, just feeling so heartbroken for you and your sweet children. I saw Abel posted something on your wall on facebook, and I think of how our journeys have intersected...and how awful it all is, all you have been through, to now face this. I have no words... except to give you permission to be so very angry at God, so beyond understanding... that is okay, He understands that and does not get hurt feelings.
    I am praying and watching, here in Wisconsin... and sending thoughts of strength your way.

    Kari, Jer, Alayna Maria and Evan Abenet.

  11. I am so sorry for your loss. My step-father left behind my my two brothers (12 and 14) when he passed 6 yrs and 2 days before your Dennis passed on. The 12-yr-old thought it was a surprise birthday party for him when we returned to my mom's house that day because of all of the cars were somberly parked in the yard. I remember it like yesterday and I am just now able to talk about it. Every passing is different, is impactful, and is devastating to those who are left behind.

    I pray for you and your children. I cannot imagine what you are going through because everyone's grief is unique. Just know that all of your emotions and reactions are normal and eventually a new normal will surface in your life as your husband watches from above.

    Again, you and yours are in my thoughts and prayers.

  12. Tracey. I am praying for you. And while you may be without the trunk of your tree, let the body of believers around you hold your branches up with prayer while you reroot.

    Just remember that God is good. Even through the pits of hell in this life, God is good.

  13. Hi Tracy-
    I found your blog through the Bethany Ethiopia forum. I have no wise words, no experience to share that gives me the ability to understand your pain. However, I will continue to pray for you and your children as you attempt to heal.
    A few years ago I started reading the following blog. Soon after I started reading, this woman lost her husband of 20 years in an unexpected manner as well. Perhaps you can find wisdom and help if you visit her blog and read of her journey through pain and the way that God has restored her joy and purpose.

  14. Tracy,
    I cannot imagine how great your faith is being tested through this. I pray numerous times a day for you and your children and will continue to do so. I know this tragedy has touched so many Christian's hearts and that you have prayers going up for you continually. May our precious Savior's grace carry you and your children.

  15. words..just prayers! I just can't fathom your pain and your children's pain!! Please know I care and am thinking and praying for you all, kj

  16. Hi Tracy,
    It's your new facebook friend (via Cindi), Diane. I have been where you are because I lost my first husband in a freak accident on December 26, 2003. My boys were 4 years old and 5 months old at the time. I too questioned my faith and shouted at God many times but He is also the one who saw me through it and He will see you through it too. I wrote many poems about my experience and posted some of them on my blog,
    Also, I don't know if you have looked yet or are interested in a support group but there is a wonderful one at I don't know what I would have done without that support or the friendships that I made there.
    Praying for you and your family and here to offer my friendship and support,

  17. Tracy, my long lost friend... I grieve for you and you children and wish I could help you in some way. I so much understand your anger and pain. I believe that God loves us all and would never hurt us in any way, we are His children. I have been taught and firmly believe that the adversary (or the devil) is the god of this earthly world and that he is the one that causes death, sickness and pain... not our Lord.... I blame the adversary for your pain and agony and your questioning of God.. it is he that is trying to weaken your hedges that you've built with Christ so that he may turn you away from Him...I also know that the Lord understands your anger and will be there for you no matter what.... as are your friends and family. One day we will all go home to be with the Lord... and you will be with your sweet Dennis again.
    I will continue to pray for you, your boys and little ellie...if you ever need anything, I am here for you. Robin

  18. Keeping you in my prayers. View An amazing woman with amazing words who is experiencing the same as you. May you find comfort and peace knowing you will meet again.


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