Friday, October 29, 2010


Have you noticed that almost EVERY ASPECT of EVERYTHING in our lives revolves around the pursuit of LOVE? Movies, music, food, travel all rooted in our insatiable desire to be loved! Woven into all that we crave during our short time on earth. Without it, we somehow don't feel whole, as if there is something critical missing from our lives. So we spend our lifetimes and our fortunes pursuing it, nurturing it, clinging to it for comfort and validation.

If cared for responsibly, longevity can add to the gift and offer decades of loving companionship. This is a favor Dennis and I were not afforded. But for those who are so fortunate, it is a sweet blessing not to be handled carelessly. 1 Corinthians 13:13 tells us ".......the greatest of these is love". So Christian men and women who toss around the title yet live separate from His word in the matter of marriage, should tread lightly. For the souls that take love for granted, criticize it, step on it and do all but suffocate it are playing risky business with one of Gods favorite matters of the heart, LOVE.

Why anyone who is handed this beautiful gift would ever purposely disregard it, is beyond me. Having loved and lost, I can speak with conviction on this matter. I have personally been robbed of my gift. My beautiful husband who loved so intensely, treasured every moment and honored without fail, is gone forever. I would give anything to have him back. So when I hear stories of Christian couples who STILL HAVE EACH OTHER but who are ignoring Gods word, and squandering their offering of love, I want to plead with them to:




Hind sight IS 20/20

Many will not realize how precious the gift was,until its gone!

Please don't let that be you.

EVERYBODY needs love!

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