Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I think I'm going to need to get get a hobby or a job or SOMETHING! I have way too much time on my hands Time just leaves me to grovel in my "situation". Seriously there are only so many hours in the day that Ellie needs my attention. And since my teen boys do their very best to stay busy and away from our house, I spend most of my days alone, in silence. Once upon a time I treasured silence. I thought of it as a window into mediation and spiritual clarity. Today, that window is shattered and the sharp jagged edges offer cuts without release .

I have heard over and over again that "God has a plan", "He has great things in store for you". Yet hear I sit, changing diapers, watching mindless television and no offense.... blogging!

PURPOSE...... POINT........ PLAN.......


The other "P" word, PATIENCE, has never been a strong point of mine. I'm a get it done kind of girl. An administrator I've been told and since operation "SAVE Dennis, Fix Tracy" has obviously already been launched, I truly hope that there is way more to the plan than this! Five and a half weeks into this MESS, I'm more than ready to get this show on the road! The way I see it, the sooner we start, the sooner we finish and I am sooo ready to FINISH!

1 comment:

  1. This may sound weird, but I took a job 12 hours a week working at Starbucks because I needed something. I love staying home with my kids, but as a socially wired person I really struggled with the lack of structure and routine. This very part time job gives me a nice outlet. And it's mind numbing, there's no time to think because you move so fast from one thing to the next.


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